The State All Star program each year participates in at least one community service project. Past project have included;
2012-2013 Hurricane Sandy Relief - The State Family is/has been collecting items to help with the families that are in need after Hurricane Sandy
2010-2011 Gulf oil crisis - The State Family is/has been collecting items to help with the clean-up after the gulf oil crisis and to help their needs in rescuing animals
2009-2010 SPCA - Collecting supplies (food, toys, blankets,etc) for area SPCA to support their needs in rescuing animals
2009-2010 Food Drive - The State Family donated hundreds of items/food to the local food bank to help those in need. Great job State!
2009-2010 Book for Soldiers - The State Family donated books and supplies to help the troops overseas. Thank you for all you do!
2008-2009 Food Drive - The State Family donated hundreds of items/food to the local food bank to help those in need. Great job State!
2007-2008 Hospitality Center/Homless Shelter in Norristown - The State Family donated hundreds of items/food to the shelter. Thank you for all the support!
2007-2008 SPCA - Collecting supplies (food, toys, blankets,etc) for area SPCA to support their needs in rescuing animals
2006-2007 Relay for Life - We are again planning to participate in the 24 hour walk-a-thon to raise money for cancer research
2006-2007 SPCA - Collecting supplies (food, toys, blankets,etc) for area SPCA to support their needs in rescuing animals
2005-2006 Relay for Life - 24 hour walk-a-thon to raise money for cancer research (State All Stars had the largest team of walkers there!)
2004-2005 Support the Troops - donating items to help support the troops in Iraq